4 Bedrooms Detached house for sale in Beatty Close, Hinckley LE10 | £ 290,000


Price: £ 290,000
Contract type: For Sale
Type: Detached house
County: Leicestershire
Town: Hinckley
Postcode: LE10
Address: Beatty Close, Hinckley LE10
Bathrooms: 2
Bedrooms: 4

Property Description

A four bedroomed family detached house situated in popular location overlooking playing fields to rear. The property has the benefit of UPVC double glazing, gas fired central heating, conservatory, bedroom 1 with en-suite shower, main bathroom with shower, double width block paved driveway for up to four cars.

Recess Porch (1.75m x 0.65m (5'9" x 2'2"))

Having outside light point.

Reception Hall (4.2m max 1.71m max (13'9" max 5'7" max))

Having staircase via spindle balustrade to first floor, central heating radiator, two power points, obscure UPVC double glazed door, adjacent UPVC double glazed window, smoke alarm, Karndean flooring.

Guest Cloakroom (1.69m x 0.81m (5'7" x 2'8"))

Having corner wash hand basin, low flush w.C, ceramic tiled floor, extractor fan, central heating radiator.

Spacious Breakfast Kitchen (Rear) (3.30m x 3.09m (10'10" x 10'2"))

Having UPVC double glazed window, archway, one and a half bowled sink unit, base and wall units comprising five base units and seven wall units finished in high gloss with contrasting work surfaces and breakfast bar, central heating radiator, tall cupboard, fitted dishwasher, split level gas hob and electric fan assisted oven, extractor hood.

Utility Room (Rear) (3.10m x 1.60m (10'2" x 5'3"))

Having laminate floor, plumbing for washing machine, bevel edged work surface, central heating radiator, wall mounted fan assisted condensing Baxi boiler.

Attractive Dining Room (Rear) (3.09m x 2.65m (10'2" x 8'8"))

Having laminate floor, central heating radiator, UPVC double glazed patio doors, three power points, coving.

Conservatory (Rear) (3.30m x 2.86m (10'10" x 9'5"))

Having twin UPVC double glazed French doors, UPVC double glazed windows, laminate floor, two power points, double glazed poly-carbonate roof.

Spacious Lounge (Front) (5m x 3.31m (16'5" x 10'10"))

Having feature wood burner and tiled hearth, leaded UPVC double glazed window, two central heating radiators, four power points, coving, twin doors leading to dining room.

First Floor Landing

3.70m x 0.91m min x 2.71m max 0.81m min (12'2'' max 3' min x 8'11'' max 2'8'' min)
Having roof void access, smoke alarm, one power point, airing cupboard off.

Bedroom 1 (Front) With En-Suite Shower (5.05m x 3.28m (16'7" x 10'9"))

Having central heating radiator, two power points

En-Suite Shower

2.79m max 2.04m min x 1.90 max 0.76m min (9'2'' max 6'8'' min x 6'3'' max 2'6'' min)
Having fitted shower cubicle with power shower and side glazed screen, pedestal wash hand basin, low flush w, c, laminate floor, obscure UPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator, pvcu clad ceiling.

Bedroom 2 (Front) (3.60m x 2.41m max (11'10" x 7'11" max))

Having laminate floor, UPVC double glazed window, central heating radiator, power points.

Bedroom 3 (Rear)

3.11m max 2.1m min x 2.74m max 2.33m min (10'2'' max 6'11'' min x 9' max 7'8'' min)
Having UPVC double glazed window overlooking playing fields, laminate floor, central heating radiator, power points.

Bedroom 4 (Rear) (2.90m x 2.11m (9'6" x 6'11"))

Having laminate floor, UPVC double glazed window, two power points.

Fully Tiled Bathroom (2.09m x 1.97m (6'10" x 6'6"))

Having full suite comprising corner bath with mixer shower, pedestal wash hand basin, low flush w.C, laminate floor, obscure UPVC double glazed window.


Having enclosed low maintenance rear garden, gated side access to front garden,
Front garden with double width driveway.

Garage (5.0m x 2.41m (16'5" x 7'11"))

Having roller shutter electric remote controlled door

Property misdescriptions act 1991
Profiles Estate Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services, and so does not verify they are in working order, fit for their purpose, or within ownership of the Seller, therefore the buyer must assume the information given is incorrect. Neither has Profiles Estate Agents checked the legal documentation to verify legal status of the property. A Buyer must assume the information is incorrect, until it has been verified by their own Solicitors.
The Measurements supplied are for general guidance, and as such must be considered as incorrect. A buyer is advised to re-check the measurements themselves before committing to any expense.
The Sales Particulars may change in the course of time, and any interested party is advised to make final inspection of the property prior to exchange of contracts.
Misdescriptions act 1967
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Property Location

Property Marketed by Profiles

Address: 28-30 New Buildings, Hinckley

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